Who broadcasts via the DVB-T2 network of Norkring Belgium?
TV Vlaanderen broadcasts 16 TV channels in a package: Antenna TV
Where can I receive the broadcasts through the network of Norkring België?
In Flanders and Brussels.
How can I receive the broadcasts through the network of Norkring België?
That is very easy, since you don’t need television distribution or internet cable. Using just a small indoor antenna in or next to your television or radio set will make it possible to receive digital television and radio, within the broadcast area of Norkring België.
The CI + module has an integrated smart card for your TV subscription that you slide into the decoder. Then connect it to your TV. If your TV has a DVB-T2 slot, you can slide the CI + module in it and you do not need a decoder.
Where, when and at what cost will this indoor antenna for the wireless reception of digital broadcasts be available?
Voor Teletenne heeft u een smartcard en speciale kit met een kleine binnenhuisantenne en een door Teletenne gecertificeerde decodenodig. Deze zijn vanaf 2 juli 2012 te verkrijgen bij een Telenet Center, Telenet Shop, Belcompany of SmartSpot.
Andere binnenhuisantennes voor VRT ontvangst zijn te verkrijgen bij leveranciers van televisie- en radiotoestellen.
Which channels will be available through the transmission park of Norkring België?
Will Norkring België offer broadcasts itself?
No, Norkring België will leave this to its partner(s).
At what cost can I receive broadcasts through the transmission park of Norkring België?
You can find the full range of TV Vlaanderen Antenne TV here.
Will the quality of the broadcasts be comparable to that of existing digital television and radio?
Yes, the broadcasts through the transmission network of Norkring België are of digital quality.
For an answer to all your questions regarding DAB + you can go here.
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